Leaders are brilliant beings who clearly have the tools and resources to lead the charge. However, we also face overwhelm, burnout and stress because we don't have the practical tools that help us manage our life and leadership in powerful ways - that are true to our core.
Sometimes we sit wondering, or even knowing that there has to be more! That is because we are out of alignment. Like your car needs a tune-up we need to do the real work and strategically take charge of our life, leadership and legacy.
But I should know how to do this already! Don't worry. What you don't know is safe with us. And, guess what? We don't feel that you have to know it all. The reality is that there are many things that they don't teach you in school, and that's why we are here.
I've been there. There are times when I got it right and shined beautifully above my peers. And there were also many, many times when I got it wrong.
I spent hours upon hours working on projects that never saw the light of day because of change in political agendas. I sacrificed the needs of my family and friends to make sure that I, and my team were always over prepared. No matter what I did things just didn't feel right. I lost connection with "me."
I had headaches, chest pain and many sleepless nights because I knew that there was more in store for me. I was tired of fighting. I wanted peace.
Changing positions, and continuing to climb the leadership ladder was what I was "supposed to do" and I was good at excelling. What I wasn't good at was listening to the voice that was inside that I knew deserved my attention. FINALLY, I gave my permission to do it my way.
Knowing that my genius will always make room for me, I found out what were the true desires of my heart, leaped to make them happen. I then asked for help and made my dreams come true.
So, knowing that it's a new day and it's time for you to do something with that nagging desire for "more," trust the timing of this moment and dive in. This is one of those moments where you can't deny that you are looking at this page for a reason. You've done other professional development programs that only scratched the service of leadership, and didn't get to the core of what you needed to change within you. They told you to keep your emotions at the door, or to leave family and life at home.
This is NOT your typical leadership development coaching program. We want you to bring ALL of your "stuff." Either it is what makes you uniquely you, or it's what's hindered you from shining. It's our job to do the work to figure it out.
Just to be clear my goal is to help you show up and show out in all areas of your life! There is no need to feel like you have to be anything but you when you signup. You are a leader who is ready to craft the life, leadership and legacy that you desire and deserve. That is more than enough.
Yes! This is finally a space where you get to fall apart, be put back together and shine... all at the same time! Our community is one where leaders are doing great things, and still we all need support. We need to bounce off our ideas. We need to know that we aren't "crazy" when we have a BIG goal. This is a place where your voice isn't silenced, instead it is encouraged and nurtured. It's not your average community.
This program is developed for leaders and I am fully aware of how our schedules can be. You're not just a leader at work, you are a leader at home and in your community. Knowing that there aren't crazy expectations. Instead you will receive almost two weeks to complete each task.
Yes! There is no rush when you are doing the real work
What makes this coaching program different? It's a true integration of theory and practice. This isn't a program that only includes the "new shiny object" methods that everyone is telling you that you must try, but the results aren't sustainable. Nor is it dated material that doesn't factor in the modern needs of the leaders of our times. Managing your social media account can make you need a nap, so clearly I get it.
Given the load you are carrying I am sure that you only want something that will make life lighter. So, consider only receiving what's necessary for you to get the results you want, and need. Can you imagine being able to have fun learning, and taking action building confidence with each module. As one client says, it's a wow to wower experience? Imagine life being pumped back into you. Yes. It's that's powerful.
Have you ever thought about what you want for yourself? ... what you want five years from now? - Does it look like what your day to day provides for you? Do you want more of the same?
I've told you some of my story and by now you've watched the video (maybe even twice). Hopefully at this point you've began to identify how this course relates to you and your personal journey. To make it simple I've identified some high level points that will give you an idea of what we are talking about. If this is what you are seeking, I invite you to continue reading on. I only desire to work with leaders who are ready, willing and able to do the real work, because I desire for you to have real results.
You are already doing a good job, according to the standards of most. Our job is to equip you to soar - to be your greatest self.
Your presence will be the biggest "announcer" of the action you are taking in this course. You will see immediate results.
You are already brilliant. This is a safe space for you to learn what's necessary to shift what you believe.
Taking a leap isn't easy, but it's worth it.
Consider what it would feel like to have ALL that you desire and deserve. I know you'd be able to sleep better to say the least. But most of all you would know at your core that you made a decision for YOU.
You set the tone for how you are perceived and received. Demonstrate that taking a risk on you, is one that is worth it!
There are times when we don't have the words to describe what we want and need. There are other times when we think we know, but we need confirmation. This is thankfully a time when you just have to choose to show up. The path has been created for you. The major things necessary for you to leap are:
All modules and trainings are web based and can be accessed via your mobile phone as well.
Be supported and grow alongside other leaders, who are also creating a new reality.
This is an energetic and heart centered program. Expect to cry, laugh, run and leap for joy.
There will be optional time to work together as you work on building your career/business.
Tools, templates and resources will be provided that you can use from this moment forward.
Access to DrAMS is granted with joy. Questions are welcomed and appreciated.
Knowing the needs of leaders who desire to not only add spice to their life, but who also desire to have a greater impact - these coaching program is for you.
Consider receiving 7 Action Packed Modules, 7 Action & Accountability Calls, a Private Online Community, Power Strategies, and 5 - 60 minute 1:1 personal coaching calls included in a program that is catered just for YOU?
Sign up today by clicking below. As a BONUS, you will also receive (1) Hour Business/Career Strategy Session.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
Meet Your Coach - Leadership & Engagement Strategist
After an extensive tenure in the field of social work, serving as a: counselor, researcher, administrator and tenure track professor, Dr. Angela M. Shuttlesworth decided to leap and create a unique path.
Using her expertise she grabbed her laptop and followed her dream traveling around the world, and developed a consulting firm that provides one-of-a-kind strategy and creative and innovative solutions for leaders and organizations. With a clear agenda of awakening the souls and truths of leaders across the globe she is determined to help leaders show up and show out in all areas of their lives.
In safe spaces, she gives leaders and organizations permission to remove the barriers so they can thrive. She believes that pursuing and achieving your B.I.G. goal - your bridge to their irrefutable greatness, is possible and she is living proof of it.
Discover the modules that are included in the 90 Days to Design the Life and Leadership that You Desire and Deserve Coaching Program. Included in each module are 4- 5 steps to help you accomplish the goal. You will receive an Action Guide, Video Recording and have a tailored live Action and Accountability Call for each module. In those calls you can ask questions, receive coaching, be supported and celebrate your wins. The modules covered in this program are listed below.
JOIN TODAY, pay in full, and in addition to what's listed above, you will receive:
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you do not see an immediate impact of the objectives of each module and can demonstrate that you have completed all of the assignments and calls by the Action and Accountability call of Module 3, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund (minus processing fees).
P.S. Remember, you deserve you at your best. Showing up for others is an amazing gift that you have. Be sure to give yourself this experience as you deserve to experience the life and leadership that you WANT.
Still have questions?
Feel free to email me directly at [email protected]