You've made many shifts before. However what's required for the next level of your success is a little different. Shifting to your next level of leadership can be harder than you think, but it is possible. It's just unknown territory. Yes, that creates some doubt; so, let's consider what you may be fearing...
A Shift in Your Environment... as surely your family is comfortable with where you are now. Will they be able to adjust with you or will they add to your stress, as you just can't take any more.
Overwhelm and Fear... surely you've advanced before, but maybe not in this way. AND you may not have committed at this level to your dreams. What are you getting yourself into?
Questioning Your Resources... as you just don't know if you have what it takes? From not being able to say "no" to not having enough money and time for anything else. And what about a power team to support you? Will your team be able to pivot as well?
All of this can be happening... AND it doesn't have to stop you.
Be Intentional And Give Yourself What YOU Need!
We can confidently say that supporting you through this Level Up & Lead Experience is sure to equip you with what you need.... Are you ready? Together, we will make sure that you have:
A Power Team for Success People often say it's not what you know but who you know. Well, it's a combination of both. We will help you identify the power players that you have and need for where you, and where you are going. Nurturing those relationships and ensuring an element of reciprocity will create partnerships that last a lifetime.
Feedback That Shifts Feedback is worth it's weight in gold, even when it's telling a story that you don't want to hear. We will cover ho w to intentionally create formal and informal pathways for continuous growth which is required for leadership. Effective communication is just the beginning.
Strategic Use of Your Skills & Resources One thing is for certain, you know A LOT. The question lies in if you know what you NEED to know to advance to your desired levels. Our gap analysis technique is rooted in you being able to see opportunities for you to shine, learn and grow.
Intentional Use of Time, Talents & Treasures A strategic review of what is actually important to you. You will be surprised at just how much energy is exhausted doing things that will not take you to your desired destination. Let's release what no longer serves you and make room for the desires of your heart, which will yield much greater results!
A Solid Foundation Will Make Your Shift Easier
Although you will master these techniques, there is more that you need to succeed. Thankfully, this isn't just a one day affair. With your purchase to the LIVE event you will also be receiving support ALL month long prior to your trip via our proven #31DaysOfPower Challenge.
As a part of the Level Up & Lead Experience, you will receive access to our proven #31DaysOfPower challenge. To get you in the habit of applying new strategies you will begin receiving daily emails of power strategies during November, prior to our retreat. We also know that, membership has it's privileges and being in community is where the magic happens. So, once you purchase your ticket you will have immediate access to your Level Up and Lead private community (hosted on Facebook). We want you to be both prepared and supported.
So, are you Team #DecisionMade or are you Team #KeepDoingTheSame?? Acknowledge that you are ready and let's get to work!
Digital Downloads
You are able to access ALL materials from any device that has access to the internet.
We attract leaders who are willing to do the hard work to impact themselves, their teams and the world.
Goal Achievement
You will be setting and achieving goals one after the other. Don't believe me? Just Watch!
You Will Also Receive These Bonuses
Daily Delivery of Emails
You will receive a special delivery of activities to your email address as well as a push from your community
Celebration Call
December 28, 2019 we will be having a LIVE celebration call to hear about the awesome journey you've completed, and support you as you share how you've gotten in action since our retreat.
Tapping In Strategies
Tailored strategies for you to get to know you in a unique way that you've never experienced.
You can't afford NOT to enter this challenge!
If you know it's time to stop procrastinating so you can go after your BIG dream, and you're ready to do the work, then this experience is what you need! Are You Ready?
I AM GRATEFUL. I do not take it lightly that you are choosing to be on this journey with me. You are coming with a lot of hope and I treasure this opportunity.
I AM PREPARED. Please know that you are not only in willing hands, but you are in capable hands. This has been my life work in many capacities as I have served as a counselor, researcher and professor.
I AM EXCITED. Although we will do some heavy lifting to remove the barriers that have been holding you back, there will be FUN. I don't do anything that doesn't allow me to experience joy.
I BELIEVE IN CHANGE. I am beyond optimistic, I am aware that you are more than capable to do this work. With that in mind my style is unique and failure is NOT an option.
I AM ENGAGED. Although this isn't a coaching program I will be active in the group and will make some surprise visits to support you in unique ways.
I BELIEVE IN MAGIC. If you are willing to show up and not only follow the process but trust it as well then you are surely able to experience the impossible. It may sound far fetched but impossible simply means, I'M POSSIBLE.
You're one click away from upleveling your Life, Leadership and Impact.
As part of the Level Up & Lead Experience you will also receive the highly successful #31DaysOfPower challenge. It's a daily dose of magic and strategy sent to your email every day, and a community to support you on this journey.
To help you prepare, you will receive a welcome email to get you started. Thereafter all you have to do is sit tight as the #31DaysOfPower Challenge and your Level Up and Lead masterclass will be on the date that you choose. There is a group of High Power Leaders waiting on you to join.
Mastery Loves Company! Join and be supported today!